SiteBuilder has many Add-Ons to help you add extra functionality to your web site. These can be added very easily from the
Site Add-ons button on the toolbar, and include:
Contact forms Add a fully customised form to your site to enable your visitors to contact you
with enquiries, feedback, or just to say hello.
Creating a feedback form
Guestbook Add a guestbook to allow your users to leave their comments
on your site or service. You will be able to moderate posts and delete unwanted entries.
Adding a guestbook
File download
Upload a file to SiteBuilder and provide your website
visitors with a link to download it to their computers.
File download
Sound, video, or Flash
Add sound, video, or
interactive flash animations to your website.
Adding sound, video, and Flash
Site Map
Improve your site's navigation and help search engine
robots catalogue your pages with a site map.
Adding a Site Map
Web counter
Track and display the number of
visitors viewing your published website.
Adding a Web Counter
Time / date stamp
Add a time or date stamp to your website, to let
your customers know when you have updated the content.
Adding a time and date stamp
Photo gallery
Add a gallery of pictures for
your customers to browse through.
Adding a Photo Gallery
Search field
You can add a search field to allow your visitors to
search the content on your site, or external sites through the Lycos or Hotbot search engines.
Adding a Search field
Add your own HTML You can add your own HTML code to
your pages, extending SiteBuilder's functionality significantly.
Adding your own HTML code
News feed Add a news feed to your website to keep your visitors updated on
current news stories.
Adding a News Feed
Add an RSS feed to your site Display a regularly updating RSS feed
on your website.
Adding an RSS feed
Coupon Create a coupon to display on your website.
Adding a coupon
Amazon item listing Displays products from Amazon on your site,
and earn money whenever someone clicks the link from your site and makes a purchase.
Adding an Amazon item listing
Animated cursor Add an animated cursor to your website pages to give your
site to add a little extra energy.
Adding an animated cursor